nursing associates

NMC-registered nursing professionals: registrants across the UK, represented by four nursing professionals in uniform standing in a hospital corridor

The UK’s nursing workforce in numbers: who makes up our register?

An insight into NMC registrants, including age, gender, ethnicity and reasons for leaving

Nursing associates’ role includes taking patient observations

Nursing associates: what is their role and scope of practice?

They are a valued part of the NHS workforce – read more about their role

NHS support staff can have job titles that suggest they may be registered nurses. Image shows a badge that reads 'not an actual nurse', worn by someone in a blue uniform

Misleading job titles: why are non-nurses called nurses, and band 3 roles ‘advanced’?

NHS employers use ‘nurse’ designation in unregistered roles, and ‘advanced’ in band 3 jobs

Exploring the historical experiences of former enrolled nurses to consider the role of the nursing associate

How former enrolled nurses’ experiences can inform the nursing associate role

Considering the contribution of roles such as the nurse associate to the nursing workforce

Maria Caulfield is photographed in a clinical setting at St George’s Hospital, Tooting, talking to someone beyond the camera

What would the Conservatives do for nurses? An interview with Maria Caulfield

The Tory candidate and nurse on her party’s plans if re-elected

Photo of nursing associate with patient, illustrating story about nursing associate adverts

‘Advanced’ nursing associate job adverts labelled exploitative

Some job adverts promise band 5 status, leadership and line management responsibilities

A close up of a nursing associate in an NHS uniform

Nursing apprenticeships and associates: are the programmes fit for purpose?

Lost levy funds and restricted access to training have prompted calls for reform

Photo of nurse associate students in training, illustrating story about their introduction in Wales

NMC agrees to regulate nursing associate role in Wales

First nursing associates expected to begin training in autumn 2025

Photo of general practice nurse with a patient, illustrating story about nurses' addition to a work scheme

Change for general practice nurses may address pay inequity

GPNs to be included in Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme

Nursing associate quote published on X (formerly Twitter)

Nursing associates celebrate five years of service in NHS

Nursing leaders praise benefits the role brings to the health service and patient care

A close up of the uniform of a nursing associate

Care home slammed for listing nurse-level skills in ad for nursing associate

Nurses have criticised employers for looking for a ‘cheap, expendable’ workforce

A nursing associate prepares a female patient for a vaccination

Nursing associates set to be introduced in Wales

Band 4 role will mirror that in England but RCN cautions against exploitation

Nursing associates must not be used to strip out the nurse workforce, union warns

Ministers considering introducing the registered band 4 role for Wales’s NHS

How can I advance as a nursing associate?

Make the most of career opportunities whether you aspire to nurse registration or not

Red flags for patient safety: are unsafe practices in danger of being normalised?

The staffing crisis is eroding care standards from primary care to critical care

Support staff doing tasks of nurses puts care at risk – report

RCN Wales says support workers should never be pressured to work beyond their competencies
Open access

Exploring the implementation of the nursing associate role in general practice

The role is not fulfilling its purpose and needs to be better supported, accepted and...

Leadership skills for the new multi-tiered nursing team

Enhance your knowledge of the roles of nursing associate and assistant practitioner
