Yvonne Coghill

Diversity illustration

Why the gloomy claims about BME representation at board level don’t add up

Don’t believe the assertion that diversity on NHS boards is declining, writes WRES director

Yvonne Coghill: Why you should nominate a colleague for an RCNi Award

Too few nurses from black and minority ethnic backgrounds receive awards for their efforts, perhaps because so few are nominated by colleagues. Winning an award boosts confidence and self-esteem and is good for career development, so show your appreciation for a colleague and nominate them for an RCNi award, says Yvonne Coghill

Simone Williams

Yvonne Coghill: Grenfell Tower nurse makes me proud of our profession

Simone Williams, one of the first nurses on the scene at the Grenfell Tower fire, worked through the night to help those affected. Her selflessness, kindness and caring are an inspiration to us all, says Yvonne Coghill.


Yvonne Coghill: The evidence on race discrimination in the NHS can no longer be ignored

Data collected under the Workforce Race Equality Standard proved that BME staff have a worse experience in the NHS than their white colleagues. Now the standard is entering a new phase, focused on helping organisations to implement change


Yvonne Coghill: The way nurses are being treated is a national tragedy

A footballer earns £537,000 a week while nurses go to food banks and do extra shifts just to make ends meet. What kind of world do we live in, asks Yvonne Coghill.


Yvonne Coghill: Implementing an evidence-based approach to workforce race equality

​Demonstrable leadership, an effective communications strategy and celebrating your successes are essential to embedding inclusion and equality in NHS organisations, says NHS England's Yvonne Coghill.

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Yvonne Coghill: increase in number of senior BME nurses and midwives is great news

We still have a long way to go to achieve a fair and equitable system for all NHS nurses and midwives, but data from the second Workforce Race Equality Standard report shows we are moving in the right direction, says Yvonne Coghill.

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Yvonne Coghill: The NHS is at the forefront of change for BME people in the workplace

The Workforce Race Equality Standard has raised awareness of inequality in the NHS, with robust action plans in place to make changes for the better, says Yvonne Coghill.


Yvonne Coghill: The NHS could learn a lot from inspiring leaders like Barack Obama

As US President Barack Obama prepares to leave the White House, Yvonne Coghill’s thoughts turn to the great leaders of the NHS who try to deliver the best possible care to patients every day.


Yvonne Coghill: resilience is key to good leadership

Resilience, drive and energy are essential traits for people in leadership positions in the NHS, especially for those from black and minority ethnic backgrounds, says Yvonne Coghill.

Celebrate diversity

Nurse leader: This Black History Month let's celebrate diversity in the NHS

As we celebrate Black History Month, let's make positive changes and help shape the diverse NHS workforce of the future, says Yvonne Coghill.

Yvonne Coghill

Mary Seacole statue campaign epitomises the strength of nursing

First statue of a black woman in England

Voices - Seeing NHS care through a patient’s eyes made me proud, says Yvonne Coghill

Experiencing the NHS as a patient feels very different from being a member of staff...

Voices - We need to nurture our new overseas nurses, says Yvonne Coghill

Last week, I saw a story on the news about the United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust...

Voices - Simple solutions to discrimination don’t cost a thing, says Yvonne Coghill

On the day that NHS junior doctors took strike action for the first time in 40 years, the...

Voices - A Mary Seacole statue will be an inspiration to nurses, says Yvonne Coghill

Last week I heard the most fantastic news: the Mary Seacole statue appeal has reached its...

Voices - Black History Month is a call for year-round action, says Yvonne Coghill

Every October since 1987, the UK has celebrated Black History Month. Many people from a wide...

Voices - Yvonne Coghill says we do not always appreciate what we have in the NHS

With the NHS we have the best healthcare service in the world. It is ‘free at the point of...
