Book review: Revalidation: A Journey for Nurses and Midwives
Lead nurse Carolyn Middleton reviews: Revalidation: A Journey for Nurses and Midwives
Lead nurse Carolyn Middleton reviews: Revalidation: A Journey for Nurses and Midwives
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board has recruited nurses from overseas from within and outside the European economic area. This article describes an innovative recruitment initiative that has focused on nurses who trained overseas and are living and working in the local community, but cannot work in a registered nurse role without financial and practical support. It provides an overview of the robust selection processes used, which are in line with the Nursing and Midwifery Council registration requirements, and the stepwise employment offer made to successful applicants.
Professional development and revalidation lead nurse Carolyn Middleton reviews Revalidation: A Journey for Nurses and Midwives
An increased number of emergency secondary care surgical admissions has intensified the challenge of meeting acute care patients’ needs, while not interrupting elective admissions. Aneurin Bevan University Health Board is striving to work differently, with the introduction of an innovative nurse practitioner-led virtual inpatient (VIP) surgical service. VIP is designed to manage emergency patients safely, effectively and in a timely manner, enabling them to return home while waiting for investigations. This article describes the service and outlines the main outcomes, which include increasing the number of surgical emergency patients managed as VIPs, shortening VIP stays, providing more timely access to investigations and saving money for the health board.
This book is recommend it to registrants who want a comprehensive understanding of revalidation
Professional development and revalidation lead nurse Carolyn Middleton reviews Revalidation: A Journey for Nurses and Midwives
In April 2016 the Nursing and Midwifery Council introduced revalidation for all nurses and midwives. It was designed to demonstrate a registrant’s ability to practise safely and effectively throughout their career and thereby improve patient and public protection. Children’s nurses should be aware of their renewal (revalidation) date to prepare their portfolio in good time. The portfolio must include evidence of 450 hours of practice, 35 hours of continuing professional development, five examples of feedback on practice and five written reflective accounts. Revalidation was tested in 19 pilot sites across the UK including Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (ABUHB) – the overall experience of the children’s nurses from ABUHB who participated in the pilot was positive. Children’s nurses have been supported in revalidation through learning from shared examples of portfolio entries. Advice from ABUHB pilot participants to children’s nurses includes getting organised, recording information regularly in their portfolio and the reassurance that revalidation is not difficult.
All UK nurses and midwives will need to follow the revalidation process to renew their registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and demonstrate that they practise safely and effectively. The system is designed to help nurses and midwives develop professionally throughout their careers, as well as ensuring public confidence in the professions. Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (ABUHB) in South Wales was one of 19 NMC revalidation pilot sites. This involved nurses and midwives, who were due to complete their self-declaration between January 1 and September 30 2015, testing the revalidation processes. The aim of the article is to describe the experience of three paediatric nurses who participated in the pilot.