CPD Webinar: Equality, diversity, and inclusion in nursing
Free CPD webinar for nurses worth two hours CPD that examines equality, diversity, and inclusion in nursing
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Key points from this CPD webinar:
- Practical strategies for achieving equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace
- Where underrepresented groups are being effectively championed
- Reducing inequality and preventing discrimination at all levels, in terms of gender, race, disability and neurodiversity
- How to improve an organisation’s inclusion strategy.
- What you can do to promote a diverse and inclusive NHS and the benefits this has on person-centred care
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Equality, diversity and inclusion are often talked about and aspired to, but how far is the nursing workforce from reflecting them in practice, and what steps can be taken by all to achieve genuine, all encompassing improvements to prevent discrimination and promote a diverse and inclusive NHS?
From recruitment processes to leadership skills development, equality, inclusion and diversity can be championed by every nurse, at every level, to create an inclusive culture and an inclusive workplace.
This practical and inspiring CPD webinar examines what needs to be done to improve an organisation's inclusion strategy, remove unconscious bias, and create an inclusion policy that is reflected in real terms. It showcases pockets of best practice where equal opportunities are being promoted with real effect in the staff network, reducing inequality.
This webinar took place on Thursday 26 January 2023.
This event was sponsored by NHS Health Education England.
Contents of this CPD webinar
Professor Laura Serrant OBE, Regional Head of Nursing and Midwifery, Health Education England
Keynote presentation:
Examining the scale of the issue: how far are we from equality of opportunity and genuine inclusion in healthcare?
Francis Fernando, Founding Director, Filipino Nurses Association
Keynote presentation:
Not another toolkit! How we achieved meaningful engagement in design of the Accessing Disability Support Toolkit
Piers Wilkinson, Student Voice Commissioner, Disabled Students’ Commission and Policy and Campaign Lead, Diversity and Ability
Panel discussion
Practical strategies for achieving genuine equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace: what can you commit to personally?
- Aaron Hobin, Staff Nurse and Neurodiversity Lead, Lancashire Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Pauline Brown, Director of Nursing and Marianne Hamer, Director of Allied Health Professionals (AHPs), Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust
- Karen Bonner, Chief Nurse and Director for Infection Prevention and Control, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and one of the 50 most influential Black, Asian and minority ethnic people in health (HSJ, October 2022)
- Francis Fernando, Founding Director, Filipino Nurses Association
- CPD article: Understanding nurses’ responsibilities in promoting equality and diversity
- CPD article: Understanding equality and diversity in nursing practice
- Learning module: Promoting effective communication skills in nursing practice
- Learning module: Ensuring effective intercultural communication in the emergency department
- Learning module: Making reasonable adjustments to cancer services for people with learning disabilities
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