Verna Lavender
Evaluating a compassionate communication skills training course for healthcare staff
Reflecting on the importance of compassionate communication in cancer care
My experience since winning the RCNi Excellence in Cancer Research Award
Verna Lavender explains how winning an RCNi Excellence in Cancer Research Award has changed her role and working life.
Assessing satisfaction with a nurse-led clinical trials clinic
This article reports the results of a patient satisfaction questionnaire used to evaluate a newly established gastrointestinal cancer clinical trials nurse-led clinic. The service was set up to accommodate the increased clinical trials portfolio at Great Western Hospital, Swindon (Winter et al 2011). While patients were overwhelmingly positive about the clinic and the practitioner providing it, the survey indicated areas for improvement, which include offering the option of seeing a doctor or nurse, changes in allocated clinic times to avoid delays and the need to address patients’ anxiety.