Sue Davies

Image shows the contents of a hoarder's home

How can community and primary care nurses support and treat people with hoarding...

Three studies highlight the complexity of this disorder – and the provision of treatment

Picture shows two people playing drums and cymbals while others look on. The Haynes Centre is a specialist dementia day care centre for Haringey residents with moderate to severe dementia.

Dementia therapy through music

Three studies examine the benefits of music-based therapies for people with dementia

Social prescribing offers options and support

Three studies examine how social prescribing promotes a health and social care partnership

Advice on sleep position and foetal movement links to stillbirth 

Links between sleep position and foetal movement prior to stillbirth


Three studies on mindfulness-based therapy, recommended for depression management and other health conditions, have been reviewed.

Attempting to set up a randomised controlled trial

Aim The aim of this article is to provide an account of an attempt to set up a randomised control trial (RCT) to evaluate the effects of programmes of continuing professional education on nursing practice. Method The logistical and methodological challenges of the RCT are described, and an alternative quasi-experimental approach is outlined. Results It was not possible to obtain a sample of potential students due to the many constraints put on managers, mainly in relation to maintaining staff morale and providing a service while staff are away on courses. Conclusion Few studies into the effects of education on nursing practice adopt a randomised control trial (RCT) methodology. Most continue to be process rather than outcome oriented, focusing on such things as teaching and learning strategies. This might be related to the methodological challenges posed by the RCT when applied in social settings.