Pavan Amara

Front-line healthcare staff have indicated in a study by the Institute for Employment Studies that they should be given more choice about when they work

Giving nurses control over their shifts: are employers’ attitudes changing?

Nurses should be given more choice about shift patterns, says a study – some employers agree

 The word PAIN in capital letters with a lightening flash hitting the letter ‘I’

Cancer pain: how to improve nurse-patient communication

By encouraging patients to talk about cancer pain, you could help improve quality of life

A community nurse looks apprehensive as she emerges into the daylight from a long, dark pedestrian tunnel 

Why lone workers need national legislation to keep them safe

Community nurses share their experiences of threatening behaviour and assaults

An illustration of a hand holding up a warning sign that says toxic and features a skull and crossbones

Toxic leadership: do you have a bullying, micromanaging boss?

Bullying or overly critical leaders create toxic teams – find out how to challenge it

An unfair legacy: how the Letby case has affected nurses

Difficult questions persist about raising concerns and preserving the profession’s image

CAT scan of the human abdomen

AI in cancer care: how it can improve your practice

AI could transform cancer care and nurses could be at the forefront of its roll-out

A distressed young girl lying on a bed and howling in pain

PANS and PANDAS: the little-known conditions you need to know about

With no NHS clinical guidelines for the disorders, these conditions are difficult to diagnose

Illustration shows a circle, the outer edges of which are in bold red, with a red stripe going diagonally across a knife, fork and glass filled with liquid, suggesting a nil by mouth instruction

Nil by mouth: is your team following outdated ‘rules’?

Best practice NBM steps that all nursing and healthcare staff should be aware of

An older woman sitting up in bed holds out her hand to receive a pill from a nurse

How to avoid medication errors in care homes

Practical advice for nurses on prescribing and administering drugs to older people

Picture shows a placard being held up in support of fair pay for nursing during the RCN strike in 2022

Pay reviews: what’s holding nursing back and what’s next after 20 years of AfC?

Unions are divided over the best way to overhaul Agenda for Change and boost retention

An illustration depicting a mental health crisis: images include a stressed face, with others depicting a low battery depicting burnout and a collapsed figure

How can the crisis in mental health nursing be turned around?

Caseloads, lack of support and a negative work culture all raise safety and burnout fears

A fast-paced image of paramedics and nursing staff swiftly rushing a patient on a trolley into the emergency department

Toxicity in the ED: how to change a culture of blame and shame

What can be done to tackle toxicity in your workplace?

Ramadan and how to keep energy levels up in clinical practice during a month of fasting

Tips on the best ways to minimise hunger and thirst, while making time to pray on shift

Promoting safe care for people with epilepsy and a learning disability and/or autism

Nurses can use the new Clive Treacey Safety Checklist to support service users

Uniform approach: what we like about our standardised scrubs

Nurses from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland on the pros of their nations’ uniforms

CQC inspections demystified: how they work and nurses’ and managers’ roles

What a Care Quality Commission visit will cover, and the support available for staff

Accept no substitutes: why swapping out nurses from the roster must not become the norm

Find out how you and your colleagues can take a stand to protect the team’s skill mix

Corridor care: how much more can ED staff take?

Advice for nurses on keeping patients safe when care standards are compromised
