Michelle Parker

Living Better with Dementia: Good Practice and Innovation for the Future

Readers will be hard pressed to find a more comprehensive book that covers all aspects of living with dementia.

Networking opportunities for learning disability nurses

Developments in service provision and delivery have changed how and where learning disability nurses work. As a result, many of them become isolated from each other, and need opportunities to communicate and network with their colleagues. This article outlines how Twitter and other forms of social media can be used to develop a forum for discussion and peer support involving learning disability nurses, service users and other professionals working in the field.

Management of swallowing difficulties in people with advanced dementia

Problems with eating and swallowing are recognised as features of advancing dementia and may be a sign that the person is entering the terminal phase of illness. Such problems cause considerable concern and anxiety among family members, carers and health professionals. They also raise moral and ethical issues about artificial nutrition and the emotional and practical aspects of end of life care. This article discusses the eating and swallowing difficulties that may present in people with advanced dementia and multidisciplinary best practice in their management. It also explores how families, carers and care home staff can be supported in making best interest decisions about artificial nutrition and end of life care for people with advanced dementia.