Jane Fisher

The King delivers his speech to parliament next to the Queen in November 2023

Why reform of the Mental Health Act should be a priority

The King’s speech offered nothing on Mental Health Act reforms, so we must push for change

Perinatal mental health issues: early recognition and management in primary care

Perinatal mental health issues: early recognition and management in primary care

It is vital to be able to identify red flags and feel confident about offering emotional support

Antenatal screening

Down’s syndrome screening: women must have the right to choose

The BBC documentary A World Without Down’s Syndrome suggested that a highly accurate prenatal test is a threat to the Down’s community. ARC antenatal charity director Jane Fisher, who was interviewed for the programme, says it ignored the benefits of screening and the need for informed choice

Nurse Burnout: Overcoming Stress in Nursing

This book is easy to read and is set out well, with summaries and objectives in each chapter. Despite my initial reservations about the book being targeted at American readers, it is still relevant to British nursing.