Georgina Ledwith

An ABC of becoming a nurse

Some rules to guide you through training and the early days as a registered nurse

Shadowing a chief nurse: demands, decisions and delegation

Shadowing a chief nurse for the day was an invaluable learning experience for nursing student Georgina Ledwith, showing the importance of effective teamwork and communication and a reminder why patient safety always comes first

Empowering nursing students across Europe

RCN student committee member Georgina Ledwith explains how attending a meeting of the European Nursing Student Association in Belgium helped her learn more about nurse education across Europe, and why students should work together to overcome challenges and effect change.

Students congress

RCN congress: what’s in it for you?

Nursing student Georgina Ledwith, who attended congress for the first time last year, outlines the benefits to students of participating in the biggest event of the nursing calendar.