Claire Read
The health risks of shift work: can the right food help?
Advice on planning nutritious meals and snacks – and the breaks to enjoy them
Agency nurses: why are some staff suspicious and even hostile towards them?
Temporary staff are essential in the NHS, yet it’s a career choice that can carry stigma
How to ensure the safety of people living with dementia in the ED
Checks and advice nurses can deploy to provide care and support for patients and families
How you can take your pension and keep a salary
Find out whether a flexible retirement option, such as retire and rejoin, could be for you
Does your age group affect how you and your colleagues communicate with each other?
How to improve teamwork, whether you’re a baby boomer, a millennial, in Gen X or Gen Z
Online learning sites offer ‘nurse prescribing course’ from £9
Course can be taken by anyone aged 16 or over and appears to offer no assessment
Nurse suspended from register for stealing paracetamol from ward’s supplies for own use
It was common for staff to use ward paracetamol – I thought it was allowed, nurse told NMC
Nurse who failed to attempt CPR told she must not be in charge of a shift for 12 months
NMC ruled registrant failed to show leadership in an emergency and must retake training
Career progression … or lack of it: how being a man in nursing is a distinct advantage
Report reveals sex and race inequality in the NHS, with male nurses enjoying faster promotion
Nurse-led work to cut caffeine helps reduce care home falls
Decaf drinks reduced urgency in those with overactive bladder or incontinence
How to encourage nurses to rethink resigning
From flexible working options to stay conversations, how line managers can retain nurses
How to communicate the news of a sudden or unexpected death in the ED to the family
Nurses have an important role in offering support and space to family and friends