Bernie Carter

Consulting with children, parents and a teacher to shape a qualitative study

Background Patient and public involvement is an emerging element of contemporary research and reflects an acknowledgement of the expertise of people who have personal knowledge or experience of a research topic. Aim To discuss the value of consultation in contributing to the ethical and methodological choices underpinning a qualitative study. Discussion The study discussed explored the perceptions and experiences of children aged four to 12 with long-term conditions of being held still by adults during clinical procedures in acute care. Consultation took place in three stages and involved engagement with a children’s advisory group and members of the public, including parents and a teacher. Conclusion Engagement shaped the focus, influenced the design and underpinned the ethical basis of the study. In addition, consultation identified that the focus of the research was misunderstood by potential participants and their parents. Implications for practice Engaging in robust consultation is a valuable process which can inform research design in unexpected ways. Engagement with children ensures that their perspectives are identified and included and shape the study.

Personal qualities necessary to care for people with dementia

Carers of people with dementia should embrace the philosophy of person-centred care and understand that social and psychological aspects of care are as important as physical care. This article discusses a three-component model that identifies the personal qualities that carers should ideally possess to deliver person-centred care to people with dementia. These qualities are empathy with the person, person-centred attitudes and a compassionate approach. The intention is that these will induce a state of cognitive security in people with dementia and enhance their sense of wellbeing. The article defines each of the personal qualities and details their component parts. It explores why person-centred care can often be difficult to achieve in practice, as well as the role of education in its promotion.

Open access

Generic training will not prepare nurses of right calibre to care for children and...

The Shape of Caring review was commissioned last year by Health Education England (HEE) and the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) following a succession of high-profile publications ( Willis 2012 , Francis 2013 , Keogh 2013 , National Advisory Group on the Safety of Patients in England (known as the Berwick report) 2013 , Bubb 2014 )