What happens after submission

Feedback on articles

RCNi staff are committed to fairness and accuracy in all our editorial processes, including peer review and editing.

Editors’ decisions to accept or reject a submitted article will be based on clear review criteria. It will take into account feedback from our expert reviewers and consultant editors about the quality and suitability of the article.

Should you disagree with a reviewer’s comments or a decision to reject your article, you should contact the editor of the relevant journal in the first instance. The section 'Exploring our journals' gives details of each editor.

If we receive a complaint from an author or reader that a published article contains an error, we will investigate and where appropriate correct online versions of the article and run a correction in the next print issue.

Should an author and editor be unable to reach agreement on a complaint, it will be reviewed using RCNi’s robust internal complaints procedure.

We also strive to let our authors know when readers comment positively on their articles and will always pass on good or constructive reader feedback.

Further reading


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