Submitting your article

RCNi online submission system for nursing articles

How to submit your article using our online submission system.

When you are ready to submit your article, you should do so online through our online submission system, Editorial Manager. Each journal has its own unique link for this system, as outlined below.

Using the prompts, you must first register as an author by entering the required information and following the on-screen instructions.

After you have completed these steps, you will be sent an email with instructions on how to activate your registration and complete the process.

Once you have done so, you’ll be able to go through the submission process step by step but, if you have any problems, please don’t hesitate to contact: administration manager Helen Hyland at or administration assistant Sandra Lynch at


Here is where you can register for each journal:

Please note that your manuscript must be sent to one journal only. It is considered unethical to send it to more than one, and doing so will not increase your chances of publication because editors will not consider articles that have been submitted or published elsewhere.

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