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Job title
- None - Advance Level Practice Assistant Practitioner Assistant or Associate Director (of a nursing-related field) Auxiliary Nurse Chief Nursing Officer Clinical Educator Clinical Lead Clinical Nurse Specialist Clinical Research Nurse Clinical Support Worker Clinical Teacher Community Childrens Nurse Community Matron Community Nurse Community Psychiatric Nurse Consultant Nurse Digital Lead Director (clinical) Director of Nursing (or nursing-related field) District Nurse Enrolled Nurse Executive Nurse General Manager Head of Nursing Health care assistant / Health care support worker Health Visitor Home or Agency Owner/Proprietor Lecturer Lecturer practitioner Librarian Maternity Support Worker Matron Member of the Public Midwife Midwife Manager Not Currently Employed Nurse Cadet Nurse Education Tutor/Lecturer Nurse Manager Nurse Practitioner Nursing Associate Nursing Student Occupational Health Nurse Other Owner (Agency) Practice Nurse Professor Reader Research Associate Research Fellow Retired School Nurse Senior Lecturer Senior Research Fellow Sister/Charge Nurse Staff Nurse Trainee Nursing Associate Ward Sister / Leader of a Ward Ward Manager / Leader of a Ward
Job sector
- None - Acute and Urgent Care Aesthetics Cancer and Palliative Care Children & Young People Digital and Informatics Education eHealth Ethics Learning Disabilities Long Term Conditions Management/Leadership Mental Health Midwifery Not Applicable Not Provided Older People Other Primary & Community Care Public Health Quality improvement and Research School Nursing Student Women’s Health Workplace & Environmental Health
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