
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

The fight for better pay goes on, RCN says

College will continue to fight for fair pay for nurses as the 1% pay cap is set to remain in...

Doctor who lied about Pauline Cafferkey's temperature suspended for one month...

A doctor who lied about the high temperature of nurse Pauline Cafferkey was last week...

Nurse academics set for RCN International Nursing Research Conference

Nurse academics from across the world will visit Oxford this week for the RCN International...

U-turn over agency ban

NHS Improvement has agreed to pause plans to prevent nurses working for an agency if they...

Plan to speed up NMC Fitness to Practise process welcomed

New powers to give warnings and advice on the future conduct in Fitness to Practise (FtP)...

Nurse sacked after offering to pray with patients awaits tribunal decision

Christian nurse sacked by NHS after offering to pray with patients before surgery claims...

Fast-track nursing programme revealed

Nurse First aims to attract high-achieving graduates into nursing

NMC fee to remain at £120 for 2017-18, regulator confirms

The Nursing and Midwifery Council's (NMC) annual registration fee will remain at £120 for...

Warning over unfilled shifts under new agency rules

Many shifts could remain unfilled after restrictions on NHS staff doing agency work are...

Half of UK patients with leukaemia do not have access to clinical nurse specialist

Leukaemia Care survey finds that only 49% of respondents have access to a clinical nurse...

Article 50 trigger ‘a stab in the back’ for EU nurses, says campaigner

A European Union nurse has urged that guaranteeing the working rights of European nurses be...

Exclusive: New programmes announced for talented future nurse leaders

Two new dedicated programmes to equip talented nurses for leadership roles have been...

Schools lack proper policies for pupils with medical conditions, charities warn

Thousands of children with long-term medical conditions are being put at risk every time...

Unions condemn 'derisory' pay rise

Nurses in England to receive 1% pay rise

Wartime nursing stories to be preserved by RCN

The photos, diaries and scrapbooks of nine nurses from the first world war are to be...

Nurse pay rise in Wales capped at 1% for 2017-18

Nurses in Wales are set to get a 1% pay rise from April, as the NHS pay cap continues for a...

Text message service helping school nurses reach one million young people

A school nurse-led text messaging service that offers confidential health advice to...

New project aims improve retention of nursing students and newly qualified nurses

City, University of London and Barts Health NHS Trust are planning to work in partnership to...

