
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Parts of England cutting mental health spending, figures suggest

Five regions of England are cutting spending on mental health, figures suggest.

Jo Brand joins celebrities backing dementia awareness campaign

Comedian and ex-mental health nurse Jo Brand shows her support.

Health visitors tell parliamentary candidates to ring-fence public health

Health visitors and school nurses are holding a meeting in the Houses of Parliament on...

First nurse chair for British Menopause Society

A nurse has been appointed chair of the British Menopause Society for the first time in its...

Health visitors can help identify domestic slaves

Health visitors are in a good position to spot the signs of those living as domestic slaves...

Campaign helps nurses avoid lapsing from NMC register

A campaign has been launched to help nurses and midwives avoid being taken off the Nursing...

New directors of nursing announced by NHS England

Two directors will help tackle challenges facing the profession.

Group B strep screening 'can cut risk to newborns'...

Routine screening of pregnant women for the bacterial infection can dramatically cut...

Thousands expected at RCN Bulletin Jobs Fair

More than 2,200 people have registered to attend London event

More BME nurses moving into senior positions but many staff 'still suffering in...

Black and minority ethinic (BME) nurses and midwives are continuing to 'suffer in silence'...

More than a quarter of people ignore bowel cancer test results

Figures from an NHS trust show that more than two-fifths of people sent a test kit for bowel...

Number of nurses given hardship payments rockets at start of 2017

The number of hardship grants handed to struggling nurses have soared in the first three...

‘Fight for our NHS’, urge unions and nurses as PM calls election

Prime minister Theresa May has called a snap general election for 8 June.

University partners with trusts to increase nursing student places fivefold

A university providing self-funding nursing student places that have not been commissioned...

RCNi Nurse Awards 2017: Have your say in Patient's Choice category...

Time is running out to cast your vote in the Patient’s Choice category of the RCNi Nurse...

Nurse helps create innovative assessment unit

Service is helping to reduce emergency department admissions.

New fund aims to help nurses improve health of homeless people

Nurses planning projects to improve the health of homeless people will be able to apply for...

RCN poll asks whether members want to strike over pay

RCN opens online poll on whether members are prepared to strike over pay.

