
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

New school of nursing and midwifery in Oxford

Collaboration between local organisations will see students learning in university and trust...

Life-threatening sepsis must be treated within the hour, says NICE

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence is urging hospital staff to treat...

NHS 111 callers to have more access to clinicians

Service alteration aims to ease pressures on wider health service.

We must not repeat previous mistakes, says former Mid Staffs trust head

Current NHS pressures are recreating the circumstances that led to disastrous failings at...

Exclusive: EU nurse figures in decline before Brexit vote

The falling number of European Union (EU) nurses applying to work in the UK has been widely...

Workforce development plan to boost profile of practice nursing

Health Education England document sets out a workforce strategy for general practice nursing.

Three in four people support pay boost for nurses, survey shows

A poll for the GMB union shows the majority of Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat...

Spring budget: reaction

Nurses have labelled the spring budget as a 'missed opportunity', with the NHS failing to...

What does the budget mean for nurses

Read our at-a-glance guide

Three UK universities in world top ten for nursing

King's College London has been named the third best university in the world for nursing,...

Oncology nurses want more studies into using technology in the community

Using technology to manage cancer symptoms at home should be the focus of research, say...

NMC caution order for nurse who failed to perform CPR

A nurse has admitted misconduct after failing to attempt to resuscitate a care home resident...

60% of NHS staff 'have worked while unwell'

NHS staff are still putting themselves under pressure to go to work when feeling unable to...

New look for Queen's Nursing Institute website ...

Community nursing charity the Queen's Nursing Institute (QNI) has launched a new website.

Have YOUR say on the state of the NHS

Nursing Standard has joined forces with The Sunday Mirror and The Sunday People for a UK-...

Plans for further 2,000 nursing associates in 2018

Health Education England confirms proposals to train more nursing associates.

Nurses among thousands at Our NHS rally

An estimated quarter of a million people joined a march through the streets of London in...

'Struggling' nurses depending on hardship grants to survive, RCN says...

Record numbers of nurses and healthcare assistants have applied for hardship grants, the RCN...

