Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.
Call for debate on future of nursing education
A new report from the Council of Deans of Health is calling for discussion on what new...
01 Sep 2016
District nursing at ‘breaking point’
Overstretched district nursing services are functioning on nurses’ goodwill, says new report.
01 Sep 2016
New videos for nurses on how to care for women and girls affected by FGM
Four short YouTube videos will help nurses care for women and girls who have been affected...
31 Aug 2016
‘Green prescribing’ a good way to coax older people outdoors
Older people more likely to do outdoor activity if it’s recommended by a healthcare...
30 Aug 2016
New workforce strategy for practice nurses
Work under way to meet the needs of general practice nursing
26 Aug 2016
Funding to curb use of police cells as place of safety for mental health crises...
The first wave of funding for a £15 million programme to prevent police cells being used as...
24 Aug 2016
Nurses' sickness absence rates almost four times higher than doctors
New sickness absence rates show nurses have one of the highest sickness absence rates across...
24 Aug 2016
Heatwave warning for South and East of England
Community nurses should be prepared to help vulnerable patients in the heatwave predicted...
24 Aug 2016
Marie Stopes abortions for under-18s and vulnerable women halted
Terminations for vulnerable groups suspended by Marie Stopes in light of Care Quality...
23 Aug 2016
New film puts spotlight on dementia in BME community
A new film for nurses and other healthcare workers highlights rising cases of dementia in...
22 Aug 2016
£5 million fund to improve support for mental health support for new and expectant...
A £5million fund for perinatal mental health services has been announced as the first step...
19 Aug 2016
Childhood obesity strategy to be unveiled
Government's strategy to be published on Thursday
17 Aug 2016
New TB guidance for nurses from the International Council of Nurses
The International Council of Nurses has published new guidelines on tuberculosis (TB) for...
15 Aug 2016
Practice nurses and other primary care workers ‘worrying’ stress levels, poll finds
Nearly nine in ten practice nurses, GPs and other primary care workers find their work life...
12 Aug 2016
Spate of measles outbreaks at music festivals sparks MMR plea
Measles cases at summer festivals prompt Public Health England to issue vaccination reminder
11 Aug 2016
Cyclospora outbreak sparks warning to health workers
Health workers are being given access to information and advice about the food and water bug...
10 Aug 2016
HPV vaccine pilot launched in England
A vaccine against Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is being offered to men who have sex with men...
10 Aug 2016