Revalidation's first group record 90% success rate

Nine out of ten nurses who were due to revalidate in April did so successfully, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) has reported.
The regulator introduced revalidation last month, marking a major overhaul of the previous post-registration education and practice (PREP) system for ensuring professionals remain fit to be on its register.
NMC figures show 90.48% (14,362) of the 15,873 people who were due to revalidate in April successfully renewed their registration through the process.
There were 1,401 people who were due to revalidate in April who left the register.
The NMC said this is in keeping with the trends in any given April.
NMC chief executive Jackie Smith said the figures for last month ran contrary to concerns that revalidation would cause greater numbers of registrants to leave.
She said the regulator had received ‘overwhelmingly positive feedback from those who have gone through the process, with nurses and midwives telling us that they find it realistic, achievable and beneficial’.
She added: ‘Nurses and midwives are clearly embracing revalidation, which should reassure patients and the public they are receiving safe care at the hands of professionals who regularly reflect on their practice.’
There are 106 revalidation applications from April that have been granted an extension or are subject to additional checks by the regulator, the NMC said.
Of the April cohort, 96% now have an NMC Online account, which allows applicants to find out their renewal date and carry out tasks related to registration.
As RCNi reported last week, Unison's head of nursing Gail Adams said the first month of revalidation had been ‘straightforward’ for nurses, according to feedback from union members.