
Plans to axe up to 60 health visitors in Nottinghamshire will 'hit deprived families'

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is making cuts from its health visitor workforce because it will receive less money to provide public health services in the next four years.
Health visitor cuts

Plans to axe up to 60 health visitors in Nottinghamshire because of funding cuts have been condemned by the Unite union. 

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is cutting 38 whole time equivalent (WTE) health visitor posts from its workforce. 

axing plans for health visitors
Plans have been revleaed to cut health visitor posts. Picture: iStock

Jobs on the line

Approximately 60 health visitors in total could lose their jobs as some work part-time. Unite said deprived families in Nottinghamshire will bear the brunt.

The trust has been commissioned by Nottinghamshire County Council to provide a programme combining health visiting, the family nurse partnership, public health school nursing and other public health services from next April. 

Council reductions

The council said a reduction in the public health grant from the Department of Health to local authorities means its funding to commission the services has reduced.

The trust is receiving £15.3 million for the separate services in 2016/17. But the funding, to provide the joint programme, will be reduced by £1.1 million in 2017/18 and by a further £1.2 million by 2019/20.

Unite lead officer for health in the east Midlands Garry Guye said: ‘Unite is strongly opposed to the proposed reduction in health visitor numbers and we are in the process of preparing counter proposals.’

New year, new outcome

Health visitors at the trust will have meetings with their line managers and will be told of the outcome from 9 January onwards. 

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust trust said it was working with staff to minimise job losses and ensure they are redeployed within the organisation where possible. 

A spokesperson added: ‘We currently have a number of vacancies and will work closely with staff to support those who want to stay working for the trust.’
