One in five patients say their nurse was 'visibly stressed'

More than one in five patients said they had been cared for by a visibly stressed nurse in the past year, according to a survey.
The poll of 2,000 adults in the UK revealed 22% had been cared for by a nurse who appeared to be under pressure.
The research also showed 34% felt their treatment had been adversely affected by the levels of stress among healthcare professionals.
More than two fifths (44%) said they are frustrated with the NHS, with 53% stating that the biggest problem was overworked staff.
The study was commissioned by software provider TotalMobile.
It said the government should speed up its commitment laid out in NHS England's Five Year Forward View, published in 2014, to ‘raise its game on health technology’.
The government should reduce the paperwork nurses have to complete every day and allow them to spend more time with patients, according to the company.
A safe nurse staffing report published by Unison last month found that about three fifths (61%) of 2,708 nurses surveyed are unable to take all or some of their breaks.
It also revealed that 74.6% said they did not have time to speak to patients.
Commenting on the survey, Unison head of nursing Gail Adams said: 'In April, Unison’s safe staffing level report found almost half (45%) of respondents had considered leaving their organisation in the previous 12 months saying overwork and pressure were the main reasons for wanting to do so.
'The situation is likely to get worse following the government’s latest proposal to scrap NHS bursaries which will discourage many from nursing because of the fear of debt.'