
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

NHS pay deal row: RCN announces details of no confidence vote in leadership

College says interim findings of external review will also be published shortly

NMC’s new fitness to practise approach acknowledges ‘context’ when errors occur

Regulator aims to help nurses to ‘learn from their mistakes’

More help urged for nurses with mental health issues

Nurses with mental health problems need more help, says a service that supports doctors

NHS staff will be trained to put technology at the heart of the health service

Minister says workforce will receive training to unlock the potential of AI and digital tech

Scottish Government pledges funding for 250 school nurses

First minister Nicola Sturgeon promises £60 million as part of mental health drive

RCN guidance will help general practice nurses reduce the risk of errors at...

RCN set to publish guidance for general practice nurses on running immunisation clinics

RCN Scotland launches safe staffing campaign as latest vacancy figures reveal crisis

Ask for More campaign will run while Scottish parliament debates legislation on safe staffing

London mayor Sadiq Khan urges new nurses to work in the capital

Social media appeal part of RCN’s #NursingLondon campaign to address nurse shortages

Nurses welcome free parking at all NHS hospitals in Wales

Final two parking firm contracts come to an end

Activists hit out at RCN email that promises action in wake of pay deal row

Message to members from Dame Donna Kinnair ‘suggests college is out of touch’

Charity warns too many ambulance trusts are unable to implement patients' end of...

Nearly one quarter of ambulance trusts across the UK do not have a system in place to record...

Self-harm rate among gay/bisexual teens is huge problem – RCN

Children's Society report prompts calls for action and presents new challenge for nurses

‘Hospitals would eliminate variations in care if they worked more like supermarkets’

Trust chief executive believes group working would help standardise care

Scottish study recommends ‘rebranding’ of nursing to attract more male recruits

Only 8-10% of Scotland’s pre-registration nursing students are men

RCN writes open letter to party leaders about ‘risks’ of Brexit

Brexit poses risks to patient safety and workers’ rights, RCN tells political leaders

NHS Pensions blames delay in payments to new pensioners on computer software

Senior nurse said she hadn’t received her pension lump sum almost six weeks after it was due

Cavell Nurses’ Trust seeks volunteers to hike Mount Snowdon

The 13km hike will raise money for nurses experiencing personal or financial hardship

RCN voices further concerns over EU nurses after Brexit

NHS Digital workforce figures show fall in nurse numbers in England between January and May

