
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Nurses should routinely ask older people about falls – NICE

Practice and district nurses should routinely ask people over 65 about falls, says the...

MPs debate fair pay for nurses and other NHS staff

Nurses from across England lobbied MPs ahead of debate

RCN event hears about public health in inter-war years

A return to local authorities taking responsibility for childhood public health is not...

Nurse-led service helping patients avoid hospital stay after orthopaedic surgery

A new nurse-led centre for excellence for patients having orthopaedic surgery is helping to...

Nurses get ready for NHS pay debate

Thousands of nurses have contacted their MPs to urge them to take part in today’s...

Radio presenter calls for law change to protect NHS staff from violence

More than 100,000 people have signed a petition to make it a criminal offence to attack NHS...

Some healthcare professionals lack skills in caring for older people with cancer, says...

A report commissioned by Macmillan Cancer Support has called for a basic education framework...

UK child health at risk due to gap between rich and poor, according to new report

An alarming gap between rich and poor is leaving the health and well-being of the UK’s...

NMC agrees to regulate nursing associate role

Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) agrees to be regulator for new nursing associates.

£3 million boost for nursing students with children in Scotland

Nursing students with dependents in Scotland are to receive an uplift to their financial...

Children need to be taught how to wash hands, says NICE

Children and young people need to be taught to wash their hands properly in a bid to cut...

RCN launches tool to help nurses lobby MPs ahead of pay debate

The RCN has launched an online tool to help nurses lobby MPs ahead of parliamentary debate...

Nursing associate regulation could cost £4 million to set up, says NMC

The Nursing and Midwifery Council has set out the benefits and risks of regulating nursing...

New guide for health professionals on helping patients use inhalers correctly

New standards have been published to guide nurses helping asthma patients after statistics...

Target university freshers to halt spread of meningitis, say researchers

A campaign aimed at first-year university students significantly boosted immunisation rates...

Pay cap could see nurse pay fall by thousands in real terms by 2020

Trades Union Congress analysis of public sector pay restraint reveals bleak picture for...

More staff are working without breaks, claims RCN

Some nurses working up to 12 hours without a break, food, or even a glass of water

Older people with HIV face discrimination and ‘fragmented care’

Better training is needed for health and social care staff to improve care for people aged...

