Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.
Training of community teams providing respiratory support for infants 'inadequate...
The training of community teams caring for children needing respiratory support in their own...
28 Oct 2016
Campaign highlights nurses working extra hour
Poster shows extra effort when clocks go back
27 Oct 2016
NHS staff turning to food banks and payday loans
Hard-pressed health service staff are struggling to make ends meet, according to Unison...
27 Oct 2016
Four out five healthcare professionals subjected to bullying, new research reveals
Four out five healthcare professionals have been subjected to bullying, new research reveals.
26 Oct 2016
Leading nurse collects OBE from the Queen at Buckingham Palace
Leading nurse Pauline Watts had a date with royalty today when she collected her OBE from...
25 Oct 2016
Call to boost life expectancy of those with severe mental illness
Report says life expectancy for these patients is the same as that of the general population...
25 Oct 2016
Nurses at heightened risk of domestic abuse
Nurses are three times more likely than the average person to have experienced domestic...
25 Oct 2016
Exclusive: government must recognise ‘critical importance’ of CPD for nurses
The government must recognise the critical importance of continuing professional development...
24 Oct 2016
Nurses can help fight modern slavery, say NHS leaders
Nurses are being urged to help join in the fight against so-called ‘modern slavery’, in an...
24 Oct 2016
Barriers to practice nursing identified
21 Oct 2016
New guidance for nurses on formula feeding
The RCN has published guidance on formula feeding for nurses who care for infants and...
21 Oct 2016
‘Perfect storm’ threatens UK’s nursing workforce supply
The RCN’s labour market review has highlighted a crisis in the UK’s nursing supply including...
21 Oct 2016
Body cameras aim to curb rise in attacks on nurses and other frontline staff
Security staff at a major London hospital trust are being given body cameras after attacks...
20 Oct 2016
Board game teaches nurses how to care for burn injury patients
The Burns Game tests healthcare professionals with questions and scenarios about how to care...
19 Oct 2016
Nurses need coping strategies to deal with rudeness from colleagues
A study has shown that nurses can better cope with rude remarks from colleagues if they...
19 Oct 2016
Home care services could save NHS millions, says report
NHS providers could save around £120 million by increasing the use of clinical home care,...
18 Oct 2016
Virtual nurse aims to prevent heart attacks
Cora could save lives through app, research suggests.
17 Oct 2016
Nurses central to success of integrated care, says health charity CEO
The head of The King’s Fund says of all the frontline health professionals needed to...
14 Oct 2016