
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Concern over future of NHS staff safety organisation

Nursing leaders are ‘very concerned’ over what will happen to body that advises on NHS staff...

Nursing Standard-Marie Curie survey

Take part to be in with a chance of winning M&S vouchers

Health and social care plans behind target amid service pressures, says report

Plans to integrate health and social care services by 2020 have been slower and less...

Major new survey seeks nurses' experiences

Nursing Standard and Marie Curie want to hear from you

Nurses must not be made to charge overseas patients for care, warns health unions

NHS trusts will be legally obliged from April to check if overseas patients are eligible for...

Rates of hospital readmissions for COPD patients rise since 2008

A national audit found 43% of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients...

UK cancer rates rising nearly six times faster in women than men

Figures released by Cancer Research UK have highlighted potentially bad lifestyle factors...

Queen’s nurses to enjoy royal garden party

Patron’s Fund grant will be used to host a day of celebration for working and retired Queen’...

Not all advanced nurse practitioners will meet criteria for RCN accreditation

Nearly 2,000 nurses have expressed interest in being early adopters of the RCN’s new ‘...

Study looks at assertiveness of district nurses with specialist qualification

Research project will evaluate whether holding a specialist qualification boosts district...

Gender stereotypes may be putting children off a healthcare career

Primary school children are more likely to identify a woman as a nurse and a man as a...

Unite protest against proposed Yorkshire health visitor cuts

Humber NHS Foundation Trust is consulting on changes to its public health nursing service...

Fall in nursing degree applications

The number of nursing degree applicants in England has fallen by 23%

Project aims to develop social care robot for older people

Academics are to explore whether 'culturally aware' robots could help care for older people...

Nursing associates begin training at University of Derby

Students at the University of Derby have embarked on their studies to become Nursing...

Nurses to support GPs with mental health and addiction issues

A new service has been launched to help GPs affected by mental health and addication issues.

'Government burying head in sand on pay'

MPs warn the NHS cannot afford to lose the goodwill of nurses

Nurses should routinely ask older people about falls – NICE

Practice and district nurses should routinely ask people over 65 about falls, says the...

