
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

NHS staff shortages and skills gap could persist until 2027, new report warns

NHS Pay Review Body says staff vacancies are likely to be the biggest headache for...

Risk to prison nurses from Spice fumes prompts safety review

The risk to nurses from Spice fumes in prison cells is to be reviewed

70 of the best: NHS celebrates its most influential nurses

Nursing Standard and NHS England name most influential nurses in 70 years of the NHS

Nurse recruitment campaign launches on NHS’s 70th anniversary

We Are the NHS campaign aims to increase NHS nursing applications by 22,000

NHS 'vanguards' are not delivering as planned...

National Audit Office says money intended for health and social care integration was diverted

Specialist nurses: savings I make prove we shouldn't be used to fill staffing gaps

Epilepsy specialist nurse's support line has saved her trust £85,000

Gosport scandal: Dr Jane Barton claims she was ‘doing her best’ for patients

Report finds hundreds of people's lives were shortened by administration of opioids

Social care premium for people over 40 could cover costs of ageing population, say MPs

A cross-party group of MPs is urging the government to consider a 'social insurance system...

Heatwave warning – nurses urged to keep themselves and their patients hydrated

Temperatures in England could exceed 30ºC over the next few days as Met Office raises heat-...

How Good is the NHS? report reveals mixed picture in performance quality

According to new UK analysis by four leading think tanks, the NHS has 'markedly fewer'...

EU nurses must have right to stay if there is no Brexit deal, RCN says

EU nurses’ right to stay in the UK must be guaranteed even if there is no Brexit deal, the...

Child obesity plan won't work without more public health funding – RCN...

College wants school nurse and health visitor posts to be returned to the NHS

NHS pay in Scotland: 'the biggest rise in a decade'...

Nurses on AfC offered 9% pay increase – with reform of terms and conditions

‘Blame culture must change to learning culture’ to prevent repeat of Gosport scandal

Health and social care secretary Jeremy Hunt says it is too hard for staff to raise concerns

Gosport evidence: ‘It appeared to me euthanasia was practised by the nursing staff’

Auxiliary at Gosport War Memorial Hospital told police about events on the 'dead loss ward'

Gosport scandal: ‘my mum had to leave her job after speaking up about opioids’

Sylvia Giffin was among the Gosport War Memorial Hospital nurses who tried to act on concerns

Gosport hospital deaths review found nurses’ warnings on opioids went unheeded

Review into hundreds of untimely deaths said night duty nurses were stifled when they spoke...

Expert panel to advise government on cannabis for medical use

Home secretary says government plans to reschedule banned drug if review identifies ‘...

