Community Nursing Award now open for entries in the RCNi Nurse Awards 2017

Community nurses are invited to enter the RCNi Nurse Awards 2017 – the UK nursing profession’s highest accolade.
Passion and creativity
The awards highlight the dedication, creativity and passion of nurses in providing high-quality patient care.
The community nursing category is open to NHS or independent sector nurses who work in community settings, such as health centres.
This year’s winner, Swindon SEQL specialist treatment centre nurse sonographer Joanne Boyd won for her work shortening the time it takes to make a deep vein thrombosis diagnosis.
Valuable experience
Ms Boyd encouraged other community nurses to enter the forthcoming awards and explained how useful the experience has been in developing her own work.
‘I have had the opportunity to link up with peers and nurses looking for a new challenge,’ she said.
‘We were the first nurse-led service to offer scanning and it is important to let nurses know how their roles can be expanded.
Primary Health Care specialist journal editor Julie Sylvester, who was on the 2016 shortlisting panel, said: ‘The RCNi Nurse Awards are a wonderful way to recognise those who innovate in their practice to make a difference to patient care.
‘The standard of entries received for community nursing was exceptionally high. All the finalists showcased the best of nursing practice in the specialty and demonstrated the impact they are having on people’s lives.’
The award categories
Nurses, midwives and health visitors – as well as assistant practitioners, healthcare assistants and nursing students – will all have opportunities to enter awards across 13 categories:
- Andrew Parker Student Nurse.
- Cancer Nursing.
- Child Health.
- Commitment to Carers (sponsored by NHS England).
- Community Nursing (sponsored by Superdrug).
- Excellence in Cancer Research (sponsored by Cancer Research UK).
- Innovations in your Specialty.
- Leadership.
- Learning Disability Nursing (sponsored by NHS England).
- Mental Health Practice.
- Nursing Older People.
- Patient’s Choice (sponsored by Yakult).
- RCN Healthcare Assistant (sponsored by the RCN).
Other projects recognised by the 2016 judges in the Community Nursing category included a programme to ensure consistency in nursing practice across BUPA.
An overall Nurse of the Year award winner will be chosen by the judges.
Nurses can nominate themselves or their team, or be nominated by a colleague.
The RCNi Nurse Awards presentation is being held on Friday 5 May, 2017 at the Westminster Park Plaza Hotel in London.
More information about the categories and how to enter the awards is available at
Further information
Innovative service shortens time to diagnosis for deep vein thrombosis