Care homes appeal for iPods

Care homes are appealing for unwanted iPods so they can play music to residents with dementia.
The devices will be loaded with songs from different eras and genres so that residents can listen to the music that is the soundtrack to their lives. It is hoped it will stimulate their minds and aid reminiscence. Research shows that music can soothe, as well as bring back memories.
The iPod Amnesty event will launch during Dementia Awareness Week from May 15-21, in a Remember the Music initiative by Morris Care which runs seven care homes for 360 residents.
Morris Care’s approach is based on its Cedar Philosophy, which looks at residents’ lives and interests before they had dementia. Developed with the University of Stirling, the holistic philosophy places great emphasis on wellbeing as well as nursing needs.
The care home's dementia and social life lead Alison Hearle said: ‘The iPod Amnesty gives residents the opportunity to ‘remember the music’ and maybe even ignite a spark that could lead to the unlocking of a forgotten memory.’
Morris Care staff, families and friends are being encouraged to hand in old iPods.
To contact Morris Care, which has six homes in Shropshire and one in Cheshire, click here.