
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Healthcare assistants being used as 'nurses on the cheap', says new report

NHS healthcare assistants (HCAs) are doing the jobs of nurses without the equivalent pay or...

Workloads hampering school nurses' ability to help pupils with long-term conditions

Increased workloads are causing school nurses to lose confidence in their ability to help...

Survey reveals fears about cyber-attacks in the NHS

Health professionals are concerned about cyber security within their organisations with many...

More community placements needed for nursing students

Nursing student placements in the community need support to ensure the career is seen as...

‘Neglected and invisible’: NHS chief on community nursing

Community nurses could hold key to redesigning services says NHS England chief executive.

Care homes still using antipsychotics to quieten dementia patients, study finds

Lack of staff could be the reason why too many UK care homes are still using a ‘chemical...

Brexit threatens future of 78,000 social care workers, report warns

Failure to recruit sufficient numbers of British-born care workers could leave older people...

Pedometers handed out to help nursing students fight obesity

Nursing students and trainee midwives are counting each step as they aim to reduce the...

Smokers ‘more likely to quit’ after nurse-led cessation support

US study finds hospital patients contacted by nurses trained in cessation techniques are...

Guidance on sexual behaviour in children

Concerns from nurses - such as about sexting – should be followed up

Chief nurses say community nursing is key to healthier future across UK

Community nursing holds key to tackling health challenges and inequalities in UK populations

Nurse-led end of life service cuts admissions

Review finds London care coordination centre could save the NHS £350,000 a year, but needs...

Efforts to tackle FGM hampered by cuts to school nursing

Cuts to school nursing numbers and workforce pressures are hampering efforts to eradicate...

The Archers domestic abuse storyline highlights need for family support, say health...

Two in five health visitors say support for families affected by domestic abuse in England...

Older people bearing brunt of social care cuts, report warns

Older people are bearing the brunt of cuts to social care, and an increasing numbers of care...

Half measures not enough to tackle diabetes, RCN warns

Half measures are not enough to tackle the rising number of people with diabetes, nurses...

Lack of nurse access to CPD is affecting older people’s care

Study says care home staff are being poorly prepared by nursing undergraduate courses.

Doctors’ predictions of when terminally ill patients will die vary widely

Research has shown a wide variation in doctors’ ability to predict accurately how long...

