
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Pay cap could see nurse pay fall by thousands in real terms by 2020

Trades Union Congress analysis of public sector pay restraint reveals bleak picture for...

More staff are working without breaks, claims RCN

Some nurses working up to 12 hours without a break, food, or even a glass of water

Older people with HIV face discrimination and ‘fragmented care’

Better training is needed for health and social care staff to improve care for people aged...

Academic calls for wider access to suicide prevention training for nurses

A nurse academic with a family experience of suicide has called for all nurses to undergo...

Nurses urged to lobby MPs to attend NHS pay debate

A parliamentary debate on scrapping NHS pay caps will take place at the end of this month...

Nurse pay looks set for parliamentary debate

Petition tops 100k signatures after nurses lose 14% in real terms

Department of Health backs overhaul of the NMC’s fitness to practise process

Fundamental changes to the NMC’s legal framework could speed up fitness to practise cases.

Nottinghamshire trust shelves plans to axe 60 health visitors

The Unite union opposed plans to cut posts

Baby Box scheme aims to give every child the best start possible

First-time mothers are receiving boxes full of essential items for their babies, which can...

Nurses are ‘broken and distressed’ amid winter pressures, says RCN

Staff across the UK are reporting serious concerns about care quality during the worst...

UK faces shortage of 36,000 nurses by 2030, study claims

Research projection shows shortfall of thousands of nurses in the UK.

BME staff less likely to raise concerns in the workplace

Asian and black healthcare staff are significantly less likely to whistleblow than their...

Overhaul of mental health care promised by PM Theresa May

A package of reforms to tackle 'hidden injustice’ and stigma of mental illness has been...

Fast-track nursing degree programme open to applicants

Fast-track nursing degree course in north east England will take on new students in March.

Deadline extended to enter the RCNi Nurse Awards 2017

Entries for the profession's most prestigious awards accepted until 13 January

Prime minister to outline action on mental health

Theresa May is expected to announce action on mental health, including moves to help reduce...

Sickness leave halved in six-hour day trial

Assistant nurses at a care home in Sweden who worked reduced hours reported higher rates of...

Trust offering up to £5k relocation package to tempt nurses away from London

Relocation packages worth up to £5,000 are being offered to nurses in London, in an effort...

