
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Almost half of healthcare staff experience domestic abuse

RCNi survey reveals nurses are unsure how to refer abused patients

Young father groups provide vital support

Men under 25 with newborn children can get the advice they need from support groups

Cuts to the public health budget condemned as short sighted by nurses

RCN council to insist that the government reinstates adequate funding for public health

Nurse-led cervical screening programme a success

Nursing staff at South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust can have on-site screening at...

Call to ensure district nurses 'become assertive and influential' leaders...

RCN congress resolution to bolster district nurses' qualifications passed with majority vote

Image of an older people's nurse wins top award in RCN's Care on Camera...

Anthony Baines' striking image wins the gold award in RCN's centenary-year competition

NHS 111 service found ‘inadequate’

Failure to run the NHS 111 service adequately has led to South Western Ambulance Service NHS...

Children should be taught CPR to save lives

Showing children how to administer CPR 'will save time, money and lives' - congress

Nurses warn of impact of public health cuts

Frontline survey reveals patients living in poverty as budget cuts increase pressure on...

Mental health of children 'needs investment'

UK governments must act, RCN congress told

Drugs act 'is not working', congress told...

Current policies mean 'vulnerable people miss out on help', says student

Seven-day GP surgery pilot leads to fall in A&E visits

Fewer older people visit A&E as government trial seven-day GP surgery service

Government cuts threaten smoking services for pregnant mothers

Parts of England with high rates of smoking and deprivation could be adversely affected by...

Plan to drop NMC midwifery committee 'could affect patient safety'...

If government proposal goes ahead, regulation will largely be determined by another...

Tribute paid to British children's nurse killed by shark...

Nurse Doreen Collyer was passionate about her job and teaching

Nursing professors' YouTube video highlights the psychological effect of diabetes...

Research can help patients cope with the disease, say nursing academics

Volunteering plays key role in community-focused care

Do not underestimate volunteers' contribution to care, says chief nurse

Nursing lecturers step up strike action over pay

Academics to work to rule over ‘insulting’ pay offer

