
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Cavell Nurses' Trust lays wreath to honour nurse hero...

A commemoration of the life of nursing hero Edith Cavell has taken place in London.

Letters urge nurses to get and promote flu jab

Nurses have received written reminders of the importance of encouraging all their patients...

Major flu outbreak could see routine operations suspended

Routine operations could 'cease for several months' if NHS hospitals have to deal with a...

Jeremy Hunt to announce £20k 'golden hello' for GPs starting in rural areas...

GPs in training will receive a 'golden hello' of £20,000 if they start their careers in the...

NHS will need more cash for salary rises after pay cap scrapped, ministers warn

Ministers have been warned they will need to find additional funding for the NHS if staff...

Nurses to lobby MPs for tougher sanctions on those who assault NHS staff

Nurses who have been assaulted while at work will lobby MPs next week to push for tougher...

Jeremy Hunt: pay cap has been scrapped

Health secretary made the announcement to MPs

NMC reveals nursing associate draft proficiency standards

Six ‘platforms’ trainees are expected to reach on registration include accountability,...

Care Quality Commission: Future of the NHS is precarious

The NHS is straining at the seams as it juggles problems with staffing shortages, rising...

Study identifies factors linked to dying comfortably for the very old

Improved training for community palliative care should be a priority, in order to make life...

Cuts to mental health leave staff facing violence and aggression, says Unison

Mental health workers have shared stories of being punched, bitten and kicked as they...

Film aims to help people talk about death and dying

A new film and booklet will help people have conversations about death and dying, and offer...

Schools can now keep spare allergy pens under new law

A change in the law allows schools to purchase spare adrenaline auto-injectors to use on...

Nursing degree apprenticeships

Universities to get share of £4.9 million funding

Nurse-organised prescribing conference hailed a success

Prescribing nurses based in Scotland joined in a series of lively debates at a free...

Presumed-consent organ donation plan backed by health leaders and charities

Proposals for England receive warm welcome.

Carer tells of her 'fight back' against early onset Alzheimer's...

A carer whose husband has early onset Alzheimer’s disease says her 'curriculum' for them...

Care homes may run out of places by 2022, research shows

The care home market may not have enough places to help older people in need by the end of...

