
How to demonstrate effective leadership skills – whatever your seniority

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Our latest podcast will empower you to develop your own leadership style, and help you create the right approach to inspire colleagues

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What makes a good leader and how can every nurse demonstrate these skills whatever their seniority or setting?

The latest episode of the Nursing Standard podcast examines the topic of leadership and how all nursing staff and other healthcare workers can find and develop their own style.

Our podcast guest, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust chief nurse Karen Bonner, talks about her authentic and compassionate leadership approach and how to inspire staff.

Karen Bonner
Karen Bonner

Why leadership requires resilience and reflection

She tells Nursing Standard editor Flavia Munn how leaders such as herself have had to adapt their style to the needs of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ms Bonner, who started her first chief nurse post in Buckinghamshire just as the pandemic began, also shares the well-being techniques she uses to maintain resilience, and discusses the importance of reflection.

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