
Award for quick-thinking nurses who tackled fire

Praise for two nurses, whose actions averted a major hospital fire.

Two quick-thinking nurses, whose actions averted a major fire at a hospital, have been recognised with an award.

Nurse Kristie Garcillanosa (right) receives her award from Isle of Wight NHS Trust chief executive Karen Baker 

Intensive care unit nurse Kristie Garcillanosa was covering a night shift at St Mary’s Hospital on the Isle of Wight, when she noticed a confused patient had removed their oxygen tubing and set fire to the end of it with a lighter.

She called for help and bank nurse Kate Nelson dashed over, helping to turn off the oxygen, remove the tubing and extinguish the fire.

Patient safety

Matron Marcia Meaning said: ‘The patient concerned, and other patients in the bay, were unharmed, but there was scorching and damage to the bedside table and bed linen.

‘Kristie and Kate followed all correct processes, ensured that the patients were safe and reassured, and calmly continued the rest of their shift.

‘Without their quick thinking and timely actions, this could have resulted in a major fire. Both nurses demonstrated exceptional attitude and leadership to maintain the safety of other staff and patients.’

Award winners

Ms Garcillanosa and Ms Nelson were given employee recognition awards by the Isle of Wight NHS Trust for their efforts.

Ms Garcillanosa received her certificate from the trust’s chief executive Karen Baker during February’s trust board meeting.

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