
NHS pensions: why opting out is like taking a voluntary pay cut

Would you take a voluntary pay cut? With ongoing cost of living pressures, many nurses may consider opting out of their NHS Pension Scheme as a way to save money – but doing so brings significant financial consequences. A pensions expert breaks down what it means for your take-home pay and pension entitlement in retirement – and why it’s not a sound financial move.
Nurse pensions: opting out of the NHS Pension Scheme may seem like a good idea, but will rob you of future pension earnings

It may seem like a way to save money, but how much would you really be losing? A pensions expert breaks down what it means for your take-home pay and pension entitlement

Nursing Standard podcast with Graham Crossley: Thinking of stopping your NHS pension?

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Words: Flavia Munn, editor, Nursing Standard
Graphics: Kelly Cooke-Mwangeka, senior designer
