
Our clinical nursing articles aim to inform and educate nurse practitioners and students. This is achieved through the publication of peer-reviewed, evidence-based, relevant and topical articles.

Environmental effects on health

I REMEMBER little mention of environmental causes of ill health during my training...

The contribution of expert gerontological nursing

In many ways, the key to the future development of gerontological nursing lies in preventing...

Biosciences on the margin

As nursing has striven to acquire professional autonomy, the biological sciences have been...

Nurses and nurse practitioners part 2: perspectives on cane

The recent growth of the nurse practitioner (NP) movement has coincided with rising...

The importance of sleep

Sleep is a complex function which nurses need to understand if they are to help patients to...

The essence of nursing: part II

In the second of two articles examining the essence of nursing, Alison Kitson...

Practical nutrition in primary care: a resource for nurses

Eating the right diet is fundamental to good health. This report summarises a newly...

The essence of nursing

In the first of two articles, Alison Kitson outlines the fundamental elements of nursing,...

Teenagers in hospital: what do they want?

Experience with hospital units for adolescents indicates that the benefits can be...

Radiotherapy outpatient review: a nurse-led clinic

The study reported here was a descriptive account of the activities which take...

The role of the clinical nurse specialist

Despite the prevalence of clinical nurse specialists, research suggests that their...

Action research in the care of patients with sexual anxieties

Collaborative working in the Balint model of psychosexual seminar training can be...

The essence of rheumatology nursing

Arthritis and rheumatism are the most frequently self-reported conditions in the UK...

Subcutaneous fluid administration and site maintenance

The authors of this article noted an increase in the use of subcutaneous fluid...

The effects of pressure-reducing mattresses in CPR

The abrupt cessation of cardiac function, cardiac arrest, is potentially reversible,...

Nursing mathematics: the importance of application

This study explores the effectiveness of a revision programme in nursing...

Challenging behaviour in HIV services

‘Challenging behaviour’ is not a recognisable condition with a single method of...

