
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

NHS 111 to get online triage service

Health secretary announces new online services and apps that will be available to patients...

‘Dangerous lack’ of MS specialist nurses, charity warns

Report says one in four MS patients lives in an area where specialist nurses have twice the...

Nurse named chief executive of the Mental Health Network

The Mental Health Network has appointed trained nurse Sean Duggan as its new chief executive

Concerns over vacant nursing and midwifery posts in Scotland

The percentage of vacant nursing and midwifery posts in Scotland has risen by 16% in three...

Safe caseloads must be determined for district nursing, urges QNI

A new paper from nursing charity, the Queen's Nursing Institute, is being used to start...

Call for debate on future of nursing education

A new report from the Council of Deans of Health is calling for discussion on what new...

Two new council members at the NMC

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) has appointed two new council members.

Junior doctors announce five days of strike action

Fears over patient safety have been raised after junior doctors in England escalate dispute...

District nursing at ‘breaking point’

Overstretched district nursing services are functioning on nurses’ goodwill, says new report.

Nurse recruitment event at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Nurses from all specialisms are being sought for recruitment in Yorkshire.

‘Not enough’ hospital nurses on duty, say one in three patients in Scotland

Survey reveals concern about staff numbers, though overall satisfaction with service rises...

Low nurse numbers could increase hospitals’ use of restraint – study

US study shows proportion of nurses on wards influences use of restraint.

Florence Nightingale Foundation chief Elizabeth Robb to step down

Florence Nightingale Foundation chief executive announces her departure.

New workforce strategy for practice nurses

Work under way to meet the needs of general practice nursing

'Reinstate nursing bursary'

Nursing Standard editor in plea to PM

‘Grant EU nurses British citizenship for free’

The Institute of Public Policy Research think tank say the NHS would collapse without the...

Warning over school nurse numbers

RCN highlights that the number of school nursing post has fallen by 13% since 2010

Nurses' sickness absence rates almost four times higher than doctors

New sickness absence rates show nurses have one of the highest sickness absence rates across...

