
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Support staff doing tasks of nurses puts care at risk – report

RCN Wales says support workers should never be pressured to work beyond their competencies

‘Compassionate nursing leadership creates high-quality care’

NMC campaign asks nurses what qualities they expect from nurse leaders

NHS ‘cover-up culture’ under spotlight as review launched into duty of candour

Investigation comes amid concerns about lack of openness and transparency

Nurse retention drive extends to more NHS trusts after 11% fall in leavers

Scheme includes clinical ‘support squads’ to aid staff with menopausal symptoms

Nursing student recruitment: ‘we’re going in the wrong direction’

Data show student numbers fell by 10.6% in 2023 sparking criticism of NHS workforce plan

NHS ‘squander billions on agency staff’ instead of nurse training

RCN analysis finds NHS spent more than £3 billion over three years

Your right to strike: condemnation for law limiting nurses’ scope for industrial action

Act could be legal breach, say unions and other groups monitoring post-Brexit rule changes

‘Cruel’ curbs on migrant care workers seen as disaster for NHS and social care

Ban on family members will discourage migrants, adding to workforce shortages, say critics

You can’t blame nurses’ strikes for record NHS waiting lists, minister told

Health and social care secretary said industrial action is one cause of backlogs

Avoidable deaths prompt calls for improved learning disability nursing provision in NHS

Report also cites lack of understanding of patients’ requirements in acute hospitals

Hospital intruder who posed as an agency nurse gave patient care and stole documentation

Security breach is a lesson for all healthcare organisations, said privacy watchdog

Chronic shortage of sickle cell nurses putting patients at risk

Dame Elizabeth Anionwu calls for action to increase nurse numbers in specialty

New anti-strike code of practice approved by MPs, despite human rights concerns

Government anti-strike measures called ‘a brazen attack on the right to strike’

UK-trained nurse numbers hits record high but red-list recruitment remains a concern

NMC records a rise of almost 20,000 registrants in six months

Rise in nurses hits 50,000 target but too many posts still unfilled, say critics

‘Political target’ met but nurses still having to care for too many patients, says RCN

NHS pay deal: reopen talks with nurses, union leader urges government

Consultants’ better deal exposes injustice our female-dominated profession faces – RCN

Focus on curbing exploitation of foreign staff, not immigration levels, minister told

Union and care providers call on government to take action against unethical employers

Nurses may see shorter working week if AfC recommendations approved

Scottish Government also considering pay changes and protected learning time

