
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

‘Watershed moment’ as junior doctors’ contracts rolled out

The controversial new contract for junior doctors in England will begin to be rolled out...

Thousands sign petition urging rethink on NHS pay cap

More than 3,000 people have signed a petition urging the government to scrap a pay cap which...

Jeremy Hunt reveals plans to train up to 1,500 more doctors a year

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has announced plans to train up to 1,500 more doctors a year in...

Cancer workforce figures will not be published, says Health Education England

Calls for data to be released to inform improvements in services

RCN launches mentorship scheme to improve nursing practice

The RCN has launched a new mentorship scheme for up to 100 frontline staff to improve...

Exclusive: Public Health England appoints first of 28 nurse 'clinical champions...

A nurse is to teach colleagues about the benefits of physical activity as part of a scheme...

RCN sets out timetable for ANP accreditation project

The RCN is taking a phased approach to advanced nurse practitioner accreditation.

New e-rostering system for nurses launches today

A new e-rostering system for nurses and all healthcare staff launches today.

'Political maladministration' to blame for high level of unsafe hospital...

NHS staff must always ensure patients take priority over organisational pressures, a report...

70,000 people with learning disabilities not having a health check, figures show

More than 70,000 people with learning disabilities did not receive a health check, according...

Union invites public to thank nurses for the job they do

Unison aims to highlight work of nurses and other public servants ahead of government...

New accreditation scheme for advanced nurse practitioners, says RCN

New accreditation scheme for advanced nurse practitioners, says RCN.

Survey reveals fears about cyber-attacks in the NHS

Health professionals are concerned about cyber security within their organisations with many...

NHS trust offers rent-free accommodation for new nursing recruits

An NHS trust is meeting recruitment challenges by offering new nurse starters rent-free...

NHS England proposes £50 cap on gifts for nurses and other staff

A consultation has been launched by NHS England in an attempt to control conflicts of...

More community placements needed for nursing students

Nursing student placements in the community need support to ensure the career is seen as...

‘Neglected and invisible’: NHS chief on community nursing

Community nurses could hold key to redesigning services says NHS England chief executive.

‘Cuts to CPD funding will jeopardise NHS transformation plans’

The Council of Deans of Health criticised cuts to funding of nurses' continuing professional...

