More than 50 nurses recruited by NHS trust at RCN Bulletin Jobs Fair
More than 50 nurses were recruited by a large NHS trust at the latest RCN Bulletin Jobs Fair.
Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust (SWBH) made the job offers to staff attending the event at the NEC in Birmingham on 2-3 March.
The fair brought together 50 employers and agencies from the UK and abroad who filled immediate vacancies.
The trust held some pre-arranged interviews with candidates at the fair, and organised some interviews on the spot to recruit the nurses.
Just over 50 job offers have been made, many to band 5 roles.
The trust’s chief nurse, Elaine Newell said: ‘The feedback has been so positive and we have made in excess of 50 job offers, with a number of additional staff scheduled for interviews over the next couple of weeks.
‘This is positive news in terms of nurse recruitment. I am delighted that others can see what a fantastic team of nurses we have at SWBH.’
The next RCN Bulletin Jobs Fair will be held in west London on 20-21 April.
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