
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Cuts to CPD undermining moves to boost NHS workforce, academic warns

Moves to improve NHS productivity by bolstering existing nurses’ skills is being undermined...

Top nurse spearheads drive to reduce infections in the NHS

A senior nurse is spearheading plans to drastically reduce the number of life-threatening...

Nurses feature in campaign to keep people out of emergency departments this winter

Nurses, pharmacists and GPs are fronting a campaign to help people to keep well this winter...

‘Utter shambles’ for NHS workers who overpaid tax while undergoing training

Nurses who took part in the Widening Access Training (WAT) scheme could be eligible for a...

New ‘buddies’ for future nurse leaders

Deputy directors of nursing in England offered mentoring by directors, in an effort to...

Staff underpaid after tax code problems

Staff at an NHS trust have been underpaid by up to hundreds of pounds after they were put on...

Families should never be afraid to complain to care homes, urges senior nurse

Families should never be afraid to raise concerns about the standard of care their loved...

Numbers of mental health nurses fall by 15%

The RCN has criticised figures which reveal a 15% drop in the number of mental health nurses...

Nurses are central to protecting physical health of prisoners

Nurses must ensure patients in prison receive the same standard of care as those outside,...

Number of non-EU nurses seeking UK registration soars

Applications to join the NMC register from nurses and midwives outside Europe more than...

Vulnerable patients 'at high risk' of food poisoning

Some hospitals are serving out-of-date food to patients, an investigation has found.

Charging overseas patients for NHS care: concerns raised over nurses' role

Nurses have voiced concerns over what role, if any, they should play in deciding whether...

App launched to help nurses raise patient safety concerns

Unison Scotland has launched a free app for nurses to raise concerns about patient care from...

Rise in number of nurses referred to the NMC

The number of nurses and midwives being referred to the Nursing and Midwifery Council has...

Nursing associates will administer controlled medicines

Staff in new role will also carry out invasive procedures, government documents suggest.

Free occupational health services for Scottish practice nurses

Practice nurses in Scotland will now have free access to occupational health services as...

Government giving ‘false impression’ about increased NHS spending

NHS spending per person will fall in two years’ time, the head of the Commons health...

House of Lords select committee to hear evidence on NHS pressures

Nursing workforce expert will advise on issues such as risks associated with low morale.

