
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Positive link between graduate-level nursing care and reduction in patient mortality

A study in Qatari hospitals demonstrated that having about 70% of nursing care provided by...

Mature students will be given 'best possible assistance' to become nurses...

Government pledge comes despite plans to scrap student bursary

Delayed discharge

What you need to know about delayed discharge

Scotland facing nursing 'retirement boom'...

The number of nurses set to retire in Scotland over the next decade has risen, sparking...

Unsocial hour payments 'will probably go', warn nurses at RCN congress...

Maura Buchanan issues warning when speaking at the RCN congress debate on 7-day care

Congress supports push for safe staffing laws

Long debate ends with decision to push UK governments to follow example set by Wales

Nurses warn of impact of public health cuts

Frontline survey reveals patients living in poverty as budget cuts increase pressure on...

Sturgeon to promise mandatory nurse staffing levels in Scotland

Scotland's first minister Nicola Sturgeon will tell RCN congress that workforce planning...

Nurses take lead on improving paediatric services at troubled trust

External review reveals 'serious concerns' and changes needed at Walsall Healthcare NHS...

NHS' 'hierarchy of colour' exposed by BME midwives' dismissal...

Midwives from BME backgrounds are more likely to face disciplinaries and receive harsher...

Staffing shortage could lead to children's ward closure ...

Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust actively trying to recruit skilled nurses...

Brexit may put NHS funding at risk

Health and care services could suffer if Britain votes to leave the EU, warns NHS...

Jeremy Hunt urged to clarify future of government nurse advisers

Widespread concern the nursing, midwifery and allied health professions policy unit will be...

Plan to drop NMC midwifery committee 'could affect patient safety'...

If government proposal goes ahead, regulation will largely be determined by another...

Tribute paid to British children's nurse killed by shark...

Nurse Doreen Collyer was passionate about her job and teaching

Nursing professors' YouTube video highlights the psychological effect of diabetes...

Research can help patients cope with the disease, say nursing academics

Volunteering plays key role in community-focused care

Do not underestimate volunteers' contribution to care, says chief nurse

Nursing lecturers step up strike action over pay

Academics to work to rule over ‘insulting’ pay offer

