
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

Charity calls for more specialist nurse support for lung disease patients

British Lung Foundation report highlights the 'systemic neglect' of lung disease

Plans for nursing associate role gather pace

Health Education England publishes consultation results about controversial new role

Nurses have 'critical' role on CCG governing bodies ...

New report reveals 'critical' impact of commissioning nurses

More awareness needed in factors contributing to teen suicide, study finds

The National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide by people with mental illness...

Discharge delays for older people costing NHS in England £820 million a year

National Audit Office report reveals cost of delayed discharge to NHS, while RCN and British...

Brighton nurses describe 'shocking' suffering in Greek refugee camp...

Royal Sussex County Hospital nurses volunteered at Idomeni camp in Greece

Practice nurses will advise Olympics spectators preparing to go to Rio

See your practice nurse ahead of your Rio trip, Olympics fans urged

More patients with serious mental illness to receive physical health checks

Action taken to address lower life expectancy of NHS patients in England with serious mental...

Nurses 'can learn emotional intelligence'...

Nursing students with low emotional intelligence more likely to drop out, a Scottish study...

Nurses urged to prepare patients for heatwave risks

Show patients how to stay cool and hydrated in hot weather, says Public Health England

Colchester's first chemotherapy nurse retires after 40 years...

Chris Campbell set up chemotherapy outpatient service that now treats 50 people a day at...

Southampton neonatal nurses praised for family-friendly care

Princess Anne Hospital staff promote parental involvement with neonatal care

NHS chief supports staying in the EU

Worry that Brexit could prompt European staff to leave NHS

Rising star wins award for compassionate care

Respiratory nurse is recognised for care of patients with lung disease

Care homes chosen for nurse-led teaching project

Five nursing homes will train staff and students and help encourage nurses to work in the...

Long-awaited safe staffing survey gets government backing

Survey will focus on costs and consequences of implementing safe staffing policies

Cartoon campaign teaches children about Zika virus

Popular cartoon characters help educate young people about how to prevent mosquito bites and...

£250m strategy aims to get the nation moving

It will emphasise that small increases in activity can improve physical and mental health

