Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.
Scrapping student bursary risks future mental health nursing workforce, report warns
Plans to scrap student bursaries risk worsening a recruitment crisis in mental health...
19 Aug 2016
Night-shift nurses 'at greater risk of infections'
Disrupted body clock increases risk, research suggests.
17 Aug 2016
Nurses urged to apply for £10,000 leadership scholarship
Florence Nightingale Foundation leadership scholarships are open to applicants. Aspiring...
10 Aug 2016
Safe nurse staffing laws for Wales from April 2018
Hospitals in Wales will have to implement safe nurse staffing levels under the law from...
03 Aug 2016
Three nurses struck off for faking patient blood sugar readings
Three nurses who faked patients’ blood sugar readings guilty of 'clear eyed and...
03 Aug 2016
Calls for more nursing peers in House of Lords
Increasing the number of nurse peers in the House of Lords would give the profession more...
02 Aug 2016
Sepsis 'as urgent as a heart attack', says NICE guidelines...
New NICE guideline urges nurses and other healthcare staff to be vigilant of early symptoms
22 Jul 2016
Nurses teach healthcare assistants to spot pressure ulcer warning signs
Skin integrity nurses at Doncaster and Bassetlaw NHS Foundation Trust have been training...
20 Jul 2016
NHS chief calls on Theresa May to reassure EU staff over Brexit
NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens says hospitals could close if EU staff are forced...
19 Jul 2016
Burnt out nurses at risk of PTSD, research reveals
Third of US intensive care nurses have symptoms of severe burnout, warn researchers
11 Jul 2016
Safe staffing levels should be decided locally
Decisions on staffing need to be made locally and not be ruled by ratios, says new guidance
08 Jul 2016
'UK is completely unprepared' to deal with nurse shortage warns RCN...
Institute for Employment Studies' report on the labour market for nurses in the UK prompts...
07 Jul 2016
Positive link between graduate-level nursing care and reduction in patient mortality
A study in Qatari hospitals demonstrated that having about 70% of nursing care provided by...
07 Jul 2016
Mature students will be given 'best possible assistance' to become nurses...
Government pledge comes despite plans to scrap student bursary
06 Jul 2016
Scotland facing nursing 'retirement boom'...
The number of nurses set to retire in Scotland over the next decade has risen, sparking...
04 Jul 2016
Unsocial hour payments 'will probably go', warn nurses at RCN congress...
Maura Buchanan issues warning when speaking at the RCN congress debate on 7-day care
21 Jun 2016