Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.
House of Lords select committee to hear evidence on NHS pressures
Nursing workforce expert will advise on issues such as risks associated with low morale.
31 Oct 2016
Nurses’ uniforms harbour antibiotic-resistant bugs, study reveals
Scrubs worn by intensive care nurses can harbour antibiotic-resistant superbugs, according...
31 Oct 2016
Former refugee wins top nursing award
A Rwandan refugee turned mental health nurse academic was among the winners of the Mary...
28 Oct 2016
Study finds link between access to specialist nurses and stroke survival
The number of specialist nurses available to treat patients immediately after a stroke is...
28 Oct 2016
RCN reveals further details of accreditation scheme for nurses working at an advanced...
The RCN has revealed further details of its accreditation scheme for nurses working at an...
27 Oct 2016
Family claim death of retired nurse could have been prevented
The family of a retired nurse who died in a fall from a motorway bridge say her death could...
27 Oct 2016
NHS staff turning to food banks and payday loans
Hard-pressed health service staff are struggling to make ends meet, according to Unison...
27 Oct 2016
Four out five healthcare professionals subjected to bullying, new research reveals
Four out five healthcare professionals have been subjected to bullying, new research reveals.
26 Oct 2016
NMC launches consultation on ‘costly and out of date’ fitness to practise process
The Nursing and Midwifery Council has launched a consultation into proposed changes to its...
25 Oct 2016
Leading nurse collects OBE from the Queen at Buckingham Palace
Leading nurse Pauline Watts had a date with royalty today when she collected her OBE from...
25 Oct 2016
Call to boost life expectancy of those with severe mental illness
Report says life expectancy for these patients is the same as that of the general population...
25 Oct 2016
Nurses at heightened risk of domestic abuse
Nurses are three times more likely than the average person to have experienced domestic...
25 Oct 2016
Exclusive: government must recognise ‘critical importance’ of CPD for nurses
The government must recognise the critical importance of continuing professional development...
24 Oct 2016
Plans to stop operations at children's heart centre 'penny pinching'...
Plans to stop operations being performed at a children's heart centre are a scandal of...
24 Oct 2016
Nurses can help fight modern slavery, say NHS leaders
Nurses are being urged to help join in the fight against so-called ‘modern slavery’, in an...
24 Oct 2016
‘Perfect storm’ threatens UK’s nursing workforce supply
The RCN’s labour market review has highlighted a crisis in the UK’s nursing supply including...
21 Oct 2016
Body cameras aim to curb rise in attacks on nurses and other frontline staff
Security staff at a major London hospital trust are being given body cameras after attacks...
20 Oct 2016
Demand forces temporary closures at one third of maternity units
Figures show average unit closed eight times in the past year, and Royal College of Midwives...
20 Oct 2016