Career advice

Arrested career development: a tool to tackle barriers faced by BAME staff

A senior manager’s new model can help employers to support career progression

The right service changes at the right time: empowering nurses to lead amid COVID-19

The initiatives that show collective leadership is not about targets but working together

COVID-19: how we transformed our recruitment process at the height of the pandemic

Recruiting nurses more quickly enabled us to cope with the surge in patient numbers

COVID-19: providing nursing leadership in a public health crisis

UCLH chief nurse explains how the trust’s culture helped it through the peak of the outbreak

Fear and anxiety can infect teams, but you can harness this crisis to come out stronger

COVID-19 is putting nurses under extreme pressure, so here’s how to help colleagues cope

COVID-19: the online programme for nurses facing new leadership challenges

Free leadership course gives nurses a chance to discuss difficult situations with peers

Helping nurses to integrate health and social care

Resources include a toolkit to support nurse leaders to make decisions about service redesign

Making sure work is recognised and valued

Lorraine Hicking-Woodison on the privilege and rewarding feeling you get from being an...

SAD: What to do if winter brings you down

Winter can take an emotional toll, particularly for those who experience seasonal affective...

RCN credentialing: Assessing advanced level practice

As the RCN’s new scheme to offer accreditation for advanced nurse practitioners gathers pace...

New RCN scheme will enhance career prospects of advanced nurse practitioners

Ahead of the spring roll out of the RCN’s new credentialing scheme, Lynne Pearce talks to...

QNI programme will shape community nursing leaders of the future

Next spring will see the launch of a leadership programme for Queen’s Nurses. Lynne Pearce...

Making the transition from colleague to manager

Moving from colleague to manager can be fraught with challenges for nurses. Kathy Oxtoby...

Caring for yourself when you are the patient

Being a nurse doesn’t give immunity from long-term illness: points to consider after being...

Study highlights link between unfairness and staff sickness

Work dissatisfaction can affect health, recruitment and retention

Rediscover your passion by setting fresh career goals

Work motivation can be kick-started by redefining your ambitions

Stress puts off nurse directors from going for the top job

A recent report shows nurse directors are reluctant to take on chief executive roles because...

Simple ways to take back control and reduce your stress levels

In a challenging work situation, the level of stress and anxiety you are feeling may well be...

