Research and commentary

Diabetes app

Type 1 diabetes in children: how effective is using a smartphone app?

Study examined the efficacy of Euglyca app aimed at children and young people

Picture shows a newborn baby undergoing blood spot screening. Research shows that the way parents are told after screening that their child may have cystic fibrosis can affect the depth and duration of their distress.

Sensitive diagnosis lessens parents’ upset over cystic fibrosis

How parents are told their child may have cystic fibrosis can affect their distress

Picture shows abstract image of child talking to her mother. A study explored whether children experienced less long-term stress if they were informed about their medical condition and planned surgery

What should parents tell children admitted to hospital about their diagnosis?

Lucy Bray looks at the implications for practice of a study examining how parents share medical information with their children

When a child dies, grandparents have unique support needs

The emotional pain felt by grandparents is often overlooked


Waiting on a newborn’s result from a heel prick test is an anxious time for parents

Healthcare professionals’ and parents’ experiences of the confirmatory testing period

What parents need to know about cystic fibrosis adult services

Parents managing a child’s cystic fibrosis need help when they switch to adult services


Exploring new methods of adherence assessment for asthma care

Study looks at using an electronic monitoring device to measure adherence to treatment in young people with severe asthma


Recognising the barriers to physical activity for children with disabilities

Research highlights the barriers to exercise for young people with disabilities


Socio-economic inequalities in childhood and adolescence

History shows that children from under privileged backgrounds used to be underweight but can now be obese or overweight

Holding children for clinical procedures: a collaborative approach

Study recommends using a clinical pause to engage a child during difficult clinical procedures


Using research to inform obesity reduction strategies

Working with families for the benefit of each child is central to tackling obesity

Can acupuncture help to reduce anxiety in children and young people?

Considering the implications of studies into neonatal, child and adolescent health

Why it is important to engage children and young people in managing their asthma

Implications of studies into neonatal, child and adolescent health

More psychosocial support needed for parents caring for a child with cystic fibrosis

Paper examines caregiver burden and quality of life of parents of young children with cystic...

Advantages of paper versus electronic versions of paediatric early warning scoring...

Recommended to assist nurses in detecting deterioration in children PEWS systems have been...

The ward as emotional ecology: adolescent experiences of managing mental health and...

A study of 20 young people who had experienced psychiatric units in the UK formed the basis...

Researchers explore factors influencing mental and emotional health in at-risk young...

At-risk young people in a US middle school took part in an innovative qualitative research...

