Nursing job profiles: results of review won’t be known until 2025
Band 4-6 role profiles review to be published in 2025 after further work by NHS job evaluation group to ensure they reflect nursing practice, training and role development
NHS nursing staff face a wait until next year to find out about revised job profiles for bands 4-6.
The job profiles will only be published after a review of all bands is complete. This is likely to be in early 2025, the NHS Staff Council job evaluation group predicts.
The group’s joint chairs said they are ‘keen’ to remind NHS employers that the need to ensure roles are banded correctly is an ongoing requirement, regardless of any reviews to job profiles. They also encourage employers to work with staff to make sure their job descriptions are up to date and ‘accurately reflect the requirements of their role’.
‘Where this leads to job description revisions, roles will need to be re-banded using the NHS Job Evaluation Handbook’s “changed jobs” process,’ they state.
The handbook explains that the outcome of the re-evaluation or rematch could be to remain in the same band, or go up or down a band. Changes to banding could affect nursing staff’s pay.
NHS nursing job profile reviews ‘essential and overdue’
Job profiles have not been updated for more than a decade and nursing leaders will be hoping they will more accurately represent the reality of nursing skills, education and practice.
Some nurse leaders previously told Nursing Standard the review was essential and overdue.
In May, London South Bank University professor of healthcare and workforce modelling Alison Leary told Nursing Standard that she is concerned the proposed profiles did not sufficiently value the clinical specialist skills of nurses. Professor Leary said the proposed profiles pitch ‘clinical knowledge requiring expertise within a specialism’ as a band 5 attribute.
The job evaluation group will be consulting on revised profiles for bands 7 and above later in the autumn.
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