
Keep up-to-date with the latest nursing headlines. If you know of a news story relevant to nurses that should be covered by RCNi, call 020 8872 3135 or email the newsroom.

NHS on verge of midwife ‘exodus’, Royal College of Midwives warns

Midwives are being driven out of the profession by excessive workloads and poor staffing...

Trusts to have share of £8 million training fund to improve maternity safety

NHS trusts in England will have a share of an £8 million training fund as part of a drive to...

NHS spent £25 million on agency midwives last year, RCM reveals

An investigation by the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has revealed that NHS spending on...

Bereavement care training branded inadequate in UK maternity units

National charity reveals poor bereavement training for health professionals working in...

Child Health Award now open for entries in the RCNi Nurse Awards 2017

Children’s nurses are invited to enter the RCNi Nurse Awards 2017, the UK nursing profession...

Midwives could be told to check mothers’ ID in ‘health tourism’ crackdown

NHS hospital plans to ask women to show ID before providing maternity care.

'Graffiti boards' and mystery shopper programmes used for patient feedback on...

The King's Fund charity has investigated local methods in the NHS for gaining patient...

RCN sets out timetable for ANP accreditation project

The RCN is taking a phased approach to advanced nurse practitioner accreditation.

Healthy child initiative aims to unite health visitors and nurses in providing...

New Welsh Government programme sets out to ensure consistent healthcare for all children...

New mother and baby units for women in mental health crisis

Procurement is underway for three new Mother and Baby Units in England for women with mental...

Union invites public to thank nurses for the job they do

Unison aims to highlight work of nurses and other public servants ahead of government...

Button batteries pose ‘serious risk’ to children

Safeguarding expert says parents should be warned of damage the batteries can cause if...

Workloads hampering school nurses' ability to help pupils with long-term conditions

Increased workloads are causing school nurses to lose confidence in their ability to help...

Pedometers handed out to help nursing students fight obesity

Nursing students and trainee midwives are counting each step as they aim to reduce the...

Charity calls for better parental support in neonatal units

Thousands of parents of sick or premature babies are being prevented from having close...

Guidance on sexual behaviour in children

Concerns from nurses - such as about sexting – should be followed up

RCM warns 8,000 midwives about pension opt out schemes

Thousands of newly qualified and student midwives have been urged to reject a ‘concerning’...

Charity highlights shortage of children’s palliative care nurses

New campaign shows paucity of staff is compromising care

